
Showing posts from March, 2022

Final Papercraft Model: Bringing My Character Into The Realm Of Reality

 I have finally finished the papercraft model of my original character Ezrab. I had to deal with a lot of technical issues with this project, but I am very happy with the final result. I completely remade my prototype model in order to really push myself to make something incredible. Unfortnately, I ran into quite a few issues when building my model. For example, for my final model I wanted it to have a spherical head, however I had to scrap the idea last minute due to it looking messy and not fitting well together, I do think the final product looks better this way though. I am reallyhappy with the result and seeing this character that means so much to me come to life right in front of me is one of the coolest experiences ever. I'm very proud of what I've been able to accomplish. Final Object 2D Pieces Scrapped Spherical Head

Prototype Build: Bringing The Model Into The Real World

For my prototype build, I decided to recreate the model I made previously into cardstock. I cut out all of the smaller parts and glued them to create the final product seen here. As for where I go from here, I definitely want to go back and add a lot more detail to the model. I want to replace the polygonal prism with a more spherical build along with adding a lot of extra details in order for this model to match the character I created more closely. I also would probably practice working on my gluing skills, as there is a lot to improve on in that front.