Mesh Mashup: Remastered
For this week's project, I was assigned to choose one of the ten mashups I created last week and recreate the chosen model in Mesh Mixer. This was a very tough choice for me, as I wasn't entirely sure which direction I wanted to go in for my final model. However, the feedback from last class set me onto the right path. I had gotten a lot of feedback from my various classmates on which remixed model I should choose. I recieved quite the variety of opinions, ranging from going with a more simple design with a stronger message or making something more over-the-top and out there for my final model. I took all the feedback I recieved into consideration but decided on a remix that I not only thought could be strong conceptually, but could also be improved and expanded upon within the new program. This led to my decision to remake the tentacle fire hydrant design from my previous blogpost. Original Tinkercad Model The original design was rather standard, featuring only a single ten...